You wish you were me

You cant handle this


I’ve known Cedric for a couple of years now and I have been pushing him to get signed for like…. ages so naturally when I heard he got snapped up by N Model Management I was super excited. We’d been sitting on the idea of this shoot for a while now and one of my besties Ana DePont VanSchie (spawn of fashion royalty Doris DePont ) kind of has the best taste in everything crazy and 90’s so we decided to just put all of that together and push out a baby that was somewhere between a 90’s wannabe and Andrej Pejic. I really am ecstatic that Cedric has been signed with an agency that is passionate about him and that really want to work with his skills (and also an agency that actually WANTS him to do mens and womenswear). Cedric really has something special, there aren’t really many male models in NZ that can bring femininity and androgyny to the table. If you follow me on tumblr (if you don’t you should) then you would have seen the teaser gifs for this shoot which I am pretty stoked with (WARNING: They are SUPER tacky and SUPER 90’s). Anyway I am gonna let these images speak for them selves and there is a lot of images.

Camo on Camo on Camo a.k.a TRIPPLE C

Guitar Wolf anyone?

Twin Towers? So 90’s

This is what happens when you put me and Ana in a room together with anime crap.


The best face ever

And then here’s the sassy ladyboy stuff x



If you are wondering why some of the images are a bit blurry or gross looking its because I wasnt able to shoot using strobes on the day due to the studio not having pocket wizards or sync cords (they didn’t even have the quick release plates for their tripods… not that I was gunna use a tripod but srsly guys….)

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