Cori for New Face No Agent


Meet Cori,

I’ve known Cori for a few months now (if you remember that “Spirit” shoot then you would have seen him before) and I kind of just remembered a couple of weeks ago that he is amazing.

Well he is amazing

I worked with one of my besties, Ana Van Schie De Pont on styling/creative direction and got in an assistant (Lei Lei Kung) which is totally weird because normally on my shoots its just me and the model, and Angela if I am shooting NFNA stuff.

Also his photos were uploaded last night to facebook and interest was shown within 20 minutes which is pretty insane.

Enjoy all the amazing images after the jump

Remember this sweater from Cedric’s shoot? Yeah its still amazing

fun fact, that helmet belongs to fashion royalty Doris De Pont



breakin da rulz






  1. Ion

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