Beauty (as in makeup, not inner beauty, wtf?)

Weird as stock photo

Its kind of a weird concept when you strip it all back. We put these various combinations of chemicals, oils and colours on our faces and bodies in order to change our faces so that they are somewhat closer to this idea of perfection. But of course beauty is subjective isn’t it? That’s what our parents and friends tell us. Of course *brooding music plays* “THE MEDIA” wants us to think otherwise.  You may now be thinking that I’m going to go into the battle of subjective beauty and conventional beauty and well I’m not going to so shame. Personally I think that conversation is one of the most tiring and pointless one can possibly enter in. I personally don’t give a flying shit about what people do with their face, if you wanna tweeze your eyebrows to all hell, smother your face in layers of greasy foundation, or whatever the fuck it is you do, I really don’t care. What I do care about is how you carry yourself alongside your “look”. If you’re going to wear blue lipstick YOU BETTER NOT BE WEARING SWEAT PANTS AND UGG BOOTS WALKING UP QUEEN STREET AT 3PM LOOKING SAD AS HELL WITH YOUR MCDONALDS FRAPPE (don’t say this never happens because I HAVE FUCKING SEEN IT). Anyway, getting to the point of this post, I want to create a body of work that is regularly updated (I want to say every week, but there will be weeks when it doesn’t happen)  solely focused on makeup and the exploration of beauty. Sometimes It will be rounded and polished, sometimes it will be messy and unfinished. So yeah I was supposed to write this three weeks ago and it’s only just happening now. So yeah prepare for last weeks and this weeks post immediately after I post this (well because of the nature of blogs you would have already seen them or at least some of them)

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