Tagged: cedric pasco

Beauty: Cedric

Cedric's Natural face

Cedric’s Natural state

I’ve done a bit of makeup work with Cedric before. But its previously been either keeping everything super natural and really just a bit of minor adjustments (contours, highlights you know the deal) or flirting into the feminine, drag world (drag used used in the purely acronymic sense of D.R.A.G – “Dressed as Resembling A Girl” and less in the show girl, drag queen sense). This time around i wanted to stop flirting with the idea of the female persona and actually do a transformation on Cedric. I have strangely enough only ever done one full-on  male to female transformaion on a man other than myself and it was the first time I had ever done one on anybody, myself included and I was only doing it because I had to (yay beauty school), needless to say it was not great.I did manage to avoid using glitter though, go me! So for me I guess this shoot with Cedric was really an experiment of my own skills and of what I could do with Cedrics face with the… well, limited supplies I own (I also don’t own any typical “drag makeup” or theatre makeup).

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