Tagged: nz fashion

We Shot Salasai

Eden, Ozz & Penny

Eden, Ozz & Penny. Photos by Adam Bryce assisted by myself

So I have been working with Adam Bryce a lot recently. And one of the many many highlights of this was being a part of a mini lookbook shoot held back stage at Salasai’s which he shot. I was assigned to beauty shots, which i shot in a very similar fashion (quick, dirty and raw). I would recommend everybody be a part of a 2 person team tasked with shooting essentially 2 lookbooks, behind the scenes and a runway show all within the space of a couple of hours. It is both fun and stressful, especially when the lookbook images needed to be processed and graded within an hour of the show finishing for distribution purposes.  Mac was on makeup, keyed by Amber D. Stephen Marr was on hair and styling by Dan Ahwa.

The un-retouched beauty of Tia

The un-retouched beauty of Tia


Kelvin, Ngahuia & Lauren

Kelvin, Ngahuia & Lauren

Sam, Tia & Natalia

Sam, Tia & Natalia

Gisele, Lydia & Felix

Gisele, Lydia & Felix



Also can we just take a moment to appreciate those jewels. So rad

Also can we just take a moment to appreciate those jewels. So rad


Lookbook photos by Adam Bryce, Close-ups by Richard Symons

Double Department Store: SS2012

My look for The Department Store’s S/S 2012 runway show

If you read the previous post you would know that I had been invited to The Department Store’s spring/summer 2012 runway show held at The Department Store itself in Takapuna. On display for the night was Karen Walker, Top Shop, Topman, Tigerlilly, Ruby/Liam, I love ugly and Blackbox (if I forgot someone I am sorry as bro). Check out the photos after the jump

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Double Department Store: Devo


A month or so ago I got a very last minute call from a friend of mine who works at The Department Store wondering if I was available to shoot an editorial for their upcoming zine.  Continue reading

Backstage @ Phoenix Cosmetics: Truly Outrageous

Stud lips anyone?

As a makeup artist I tend to be HYPER critical of makeup during a fashion show so when it comes to a show centred around makeup artistry its really hard for me to not look at things from a purely technical aspect. Technicalities aside the energy and the designs showcased at phoenix were are really great way to help finish the week. The entire show was 80s themed, paying homage to the biggest and most definitive fashion influences of the time. Jem and the holigrams and some strange punk meets Thierry Mugler thingy were the definite highlights for me, anyway enough ranting from me, enjoy the backstage shots I took this morning. Continue reading

NZFW DAY 2 (groan, yawn, cry, etc)

Waterbaths and nipple pasties last night at Kagi

Welcome to another extraordinarily hurried blog post about fashion week, I literally just arrived at the Viaduct Events Centre and I am due backstage right now to take photos of whats happening for Salasai and hang out with Cedric. But yesterday was pretty fabulous, highlights were Riddle Me This and Andrea Moore. Riddle me this was by far my favourite of the day with 90’s trash, pastel celestial realness on display SEE BELOW yo! Continue reading

Marr Factory / The Week that was

Zambesi x Marr Factory

So all of the past week I have essentially been camping out in Ponsonby, mainly due to the week long Marr Factory group of shows starting last Sunday and ending on the Thursday that has just been. In that time  we were treated to 5 nights of alcohol  free ice cream, babes and some top notch current season collections. I also shot my first model for talent scouting website thingy New Face No Agent. Fun trivia fact about NFNA, you may (read: better) have seen the recent shoot I did with Cedric @ N Model Management, well if you crawl on over to NFNA’s website and scroll down a bit you will find that it was indeed New Face No Agent who initially scouted and got Cedric signed (You can basically tell that me and Angela from NFNA just spent a good half an hour gushing over how amazing he is right?). ANYWAY the girl I shot for NFNA is a total babe. Also me and my friend ANA (stylist, tammie brown impersonator, dutch girl, art student, etc) sometimes like to take photos of.. her (okay sometimes I like to take photos of her and she does it because she loves me), and one night pre Marr Factory we walked through Grey Lynn Park to see that they had left the field lights on (SO NATURALLY WE HAD TO TAKE SAUCY PHOTOS). Well thats enough rambling from me, enjoy the following photos :)  Continue reading

You wish you were me

You cant handle this


I’ve known Cedric for a couple of years now and I have been pushing him to get signed for like…. ages so naturally when I heard he got snapped up by N Model Management I was super excited. We’d been sitting on the idea of this shoot for a while now and one of my besties Ana DePont VanSchie (spawn of fashion royalty Doris DePont ) kind of has the best taste in everything crazy and 90’s so we decided to just put all of that together and push out a baby that was somewhere between a 90’s wannabe and Andrej Pejic. I really am ecstatic that Cedric has been signed with an agency that is passionate about him and that really want to work with his skills (and also an agency that actually WANTS him to do mens and womenswear). Cedric really has something special, there aren’t really many male models in NZ that can bring femininity and androgyny to the table. If you follow me on tumblr (if you don’t you should) then you would have seen the teaser gifs for this shoot which I am pretty stoked with (WARNING: They are SUPER tacky and SUPER 90’s). Anyway I am gonna let these images speak for them selves and there is a lot of images. Continue reading

I was going to do a “Freaky Friday” post summing up my week but then I realized its thursday


First off, that title sounds like a Fall Out Boy song title and I love it, also “Broncollar” is potentially the worst obscure photography joke I have ever come up with. I shot with Bronwyn again on sunday for her totally tubular blog, she is really great, awesome, super fun and various other positive adjectives which I cannot think of at the moment (I am really not in the mood for writing right now). Other things that happened this week include me getting  hold of some new makeup (some of which was in yesterdays “Totally Tangerine” post and some more will feature later in this post), Truebliss performed their new song on Good Morning which you can view  →HERE ←. Truebliss’s  resurfacing lead to a journey through New Zealand pop music which lead to one of the greatest musical feats in our great countrys history (in my opinion), Deep Obsession. “Richard! Deep Obsession sound really familiar but I cant remember what their songs were?! HELP ME?!!” I hear you ask, well I am here to remind you of the beauty that is Deep Obsession. Continue reading

This is a COOP appreciation post.

Images taken by me at the COOP pop up store @ Britomart and from the COOP show at 2011 New Zealand Fashion Week.

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Ingrid Starnes a/w 2012 @ New Zealand Fashion Week

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