Tagged: stephen marr

We Shot Salasai

Eden, Ozz & Penny

Eden, Ozz & Penny. Photos by Adam Bryce assisted by myself

So I have been working with Adam Bryce a lot recently. And one of the many many highlights of this was being a part of a mini lookbook shoot held back stage at Salasai’s which he shot. I was assigned to beauty shots, which i shot in a very similar fashion (quick, dirty and raw). I would recommend everybody be a part of a 2 person team tasked with shooting essentially 2 lookbooks, behind the scenes and a runway show all within the space of a couple of hours. It is both fun and stressful, especially when the lookbook images needed to be processed and graded within an hour of the show finishing for distribution purposes.  Mac was on makeup, keyed by Amber D. Stephen Marr was on hair and styling by Dan Ahwa.

The un-retouched beauty of Tia

The un-retouched beauty of Tia


Kelvin, Ngahuia & Lauren

Kelvin, Ngahuia & Lauren

Sam, Tia & Natalia

Sam, Tia & Natalia

Gisele, Lydia & Felix

Gisele, Lydia & Felix



Also can we just take a moment to appreciate those jewels. So rad

Also can we just take a moment to appreciate those jewels. So rad


Lookbook photos by Adam Bryce, Close-ups by Richard Symons

Double Department Store: Devo


A month or so ago I got a very last minute call from a friend of mine who works at The Department Store wondering if I was available to shoot an editorial for their upcoming zine.  Continue reading